Guess who’s back?

Did you miss me?

Does this mean I’m going to be writing about the shenanigans at the Clay County Courthouse?


Considering I have a pretty close friend who is now a Commissioner. Oh, there may be things to say. Things some people don’t like others to hear. And if you think things even marginally improved since Ole Red and Mean Gene left the courthouse… LOL.. Nice theory…

What is this Meandering the Interwebs?

It’s my week on the Internet and all things digitally consumed. It also might be some other thoughts thrown in. It’s basically a round up of ideas I think worth thinking about reinforced by things I’ve read, watched, or listened to over roughly the last week. I don’t spend a lot of my free time watching Neflix, I spend it consuming ideas. Yeah, I’m a nerd, and I’m totally comfortable with it.

Without further ado… Here we go.

If you’re not following the Twitter Files on Twitter, you’re completely missing out on one of the most important stories of our current moment.

The 12/26 release shows incontrovertible proof that the US government was actively involved in silencing debate about issues revolving around Covid. Quite possibly one of the greatest constitutional violations I’ve ever seen in my lifetime.

If you don’t hate about everything about the intelligence and federal law enforcement agencies after reading this one, there’s something wrong with you:

We’re supposed to find even more out this week and we’ve been promised something pertaining to Dr. Mengele. Sorry, I meant Dr. Fauci. Prepare to hate the Covidians even more than you already do. (Side note: there shall be no forgiveness of these people unless they beg for it.)

Oh, biggest takeaway from the Twitter Files?

Facebook and other legacy social media platforms have done this too, but no rich, eccentric billionaire bought them and exposed it. If you’re still on Facebook and said the wrong things, rest assured everything you’re connected to, business pages and personal pages have been downranked in their algorithm.

The enviro wackadoodles will take nothing more than about everything in the pursuit of their climate change religion.

Trucking industry hit with stricter pollution regulations from EPA that could drive up operating costs

“The EPA’s new regulations, which impact vehicles manufactured after 2027, aim to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions by approximately 50% by 2045.

According to the EPA, the recently announced emission rule is the “strongest-ever national clean air standards to cut smog- and soot-forming emissions from heavy-duty trucks.” The EPA boasted that the new standard is 80% stronger than current regulations.

The agency admits that the more stringent standards are meant to force the trucking industry to transition away from diesel-powered vehicles and replace fleets with electric vehicles.”

Speaking of enviro wackadoodles…

I started listening to Randall Carlson’s podcast, Kosmographia. It’s a fascinating show and is best consumed on YouTube as it’s quite science focused, and tends to include lots of graphics that are best seen while listening.

There are few more topics that I think are important for people to better understand right now, not because we’re all going to die in 10 years because the earth burned up, but because the people promoting all this nonsense are some of the most anti-science, dangerous, power hungry people on the face of the planet. And, unfortunately, many of them are in power. Some even fun the EPA.

We’re constantly told that CO2 is the driver of temperature change, except the actual science says otherwise. I’ve embedded the latest episode starting at the pertinent section, but the whole show is worth watching.

Here’s the pertinent chart that’s pulled from the GEOCARB3 study which basically looks at the history of CO2 and temperature since the beginning of life on Earth.

If CO2 Drove temperature the orange and red lines on the chart would directly correlate with the red line following where the orange line. You’re being lied to folks… I guess that’s the purpose of “The Science!”.

And all those electric cars that the environuts love, yeah, I bet all the kids in the Congo who are mining cobalt for their batteries love them, too. Nothing quite says I want to save the earth and I have a deep love of humanity more than having a bunch of kids in a third world country get in the cobalt mine and dig it out with their bare hands. I can just feel the love and coexistence. Siddharth Kara, author of a new book (Cobalt Red: How the Blood of the Congo Powers Our Lives) who went and saw these mines first hand was on Joe Rogan last week. It’s eye opening, and impressively sad because most of these environmental do gooders are the same people who lecture us about social justice all the time. Bunch of frauds and hypocrites.

The only thing the green energy crowd barely gets right is you’ll hear them say we need a safe, abundant source of energy. We do, but they always miss the mark. It isn’t solar panels and windmills.

That source of energy is nuclear.

Unfortunately, a lot of people have this comical view of the supposed dangers of nuclear energy. It’s far safer than people often think it is. The problem if they acknowledge nuclear, then they must acknowledge hope and abandon the doomsday crap that keep ramming down your throat.

I personally think nuclear js one of the most interesting investing theses that currently exists. It’s like we’re standing before the creation of the home computer. Yeah, that big of an investing thesis. Highly recommend the last two episodes of MacroVoices which is one of my favorite investing related podcasts, it’s also one of the most downloaded investing podcasts published.

The first episode gives the background behind nuclear technology and does a great job of dispelling all the safety myths that so many people think are common knowledge and just accepted to be true.

The second episode gives a rundown on how you can actually invest in it.

Quit listening to the pessimists. Mankind always moves forward, and the future of energy is incredibly bright. Unfortunately, all the clowns that currently are making the decisions are going to cause us to have a massive energy crisis first.

Related to both nuclear energy and moving forward… One of the most important technological events in the history of mankind happened this year. Don’t expect the average journalist to understand it, so that’s why if you heard about it, it probably was only in passing. Scientists achieved “ignition” and net-energy production via a fusion reaction. It’s quite realistic we see some form of viable nuclear fusion power plant within the next 20 years, maybe sooner.

Not sure what the pessimists will whine about then. Have faith, they always find something.

One of my favorite podcasts is the Tom Woods Show. Last week’s episode featured Josh Stylman who is executive producer of the documentary film Anecdotals. The film tells the stories of multiple Covid vaccine injured people that no news media wants to report on. It’s a disturbing episode as it shows just how much we lost our minds over the last couple years, and how so many people in American society are neither intellectually curious or courageous. And before you think it’s a political film. Both Stylman and the director of the film are political liberals.

The stories told by the people in the documentary are absolutely heart-braking at times. The majority of them were just average people that trusted everyone of authority. And when they had problems and sought help, they’ve been maligned and attacked as crazy people by the media and medical establishment. It’s absolutely disgusting, and if you’re someone who attacks those for questioning the vaccine. Shame on you.

Also, on the Covid topic, I’m currently reading Dr. Peter McCollough’s book:

McCollough is yet another liberal who had the courage to speak up for reality and actual science. The biggest takeaway from the book is the stunning realization of just how many people died as a result of not treating Covid 19 early. Yes it was treatable. Yes, hydroxychloroquine worked. Yes, ivermectin worked. And yes hundreds of thousands of medical professionals out of a mixture of stupidity, ignorance, incompetence, and/or outright corruption failed millions of Americans.

There are few things in our current moment that should terrify you more than the prospect of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). It would give the scum human beings in WADC more control over your life than you ever thought possible. If you’re not familiar with what this is, you need to get up to speed quickly. I suspect 2023 will be the year this is pushed on people which makes 2023 the year you need to push back if they attempt to implement it.

Excited to see Michael Malice’s new book is out.

“The Russian Revolution was as red as blood. The Bolsheviks promised that they were building a new society, a workers’ paradise that would change the nature of mankind itself. What they ended up constructing was the largest prison that the world had ever seen, a Union of Soviet Socialist Republics that spanned half the globe. It was a country where people’s lives meant nothing, less than nothing—and they knew it. But no matter what atrocity that the Soviets committed—the secret police, the torture chambers, the show trials, the labor camps and the mass starvation—there was always someone in the West rushing to justify their bloodshed. For decades it seemed perfectly obvious that the USSR wasn’t going anywhere—until it vanished from the face of the earth, gradually and then suddenly. This is the story of the rise and fall of that evil empire, and why it is so important for the good to never give up hope. This is the white pill.”

What could possibly go wrong!? Loans up savings down. Great chart from the best market and investing research on the Interwebs, Hedgeye

This is one of the more interesting interviews I’ve ever listened to in my life. I love ancient history, and there’s growing debate over just how ancient civilization actually is. The minority opinion is still kind of looked down upon by the academy, but the academy is growing more useless all the time. Universities aren’t exactly homes of deep thought anymore. Anyway, John Reeves lives in Alaska and he accidentally discovered the remains of thousands of ice age fossils in a five acre piece of ground on his property. The implications are incredible, and potentially could give support to the Younger Dryzaz impact hypothesis. There’s growing belief that the Younger Dryaz may have led to almost a mass extinction event for early man. Think Noah’s Ark type flooding caused by meteorite strike. The problem for mainstream geologists and historians is if this is true it predates man way before what is commonly accepted (about 13,000 years ago). For an interesting look at this theory, check out Netflix’s Ancient Apocalypse. It’s a little out there at times, but it’s a thought provoking series.

One of my favorite people in all of journalism is James O’Keefe of Project Veritas.

Yes, he’s a journalist, albeit a conservative one. But a political ideology is not a disqualification for a journalist. After all, I have a lot of respect for liberal journalists like Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibi as they tell uncomfortable truths to their own side.

Now, admittedly primarily targets his investigative journalism towards sacred cows and politicians on the left.

A lot of the people on the left cry a lot about this because he has a tendency of demonstrating that a good amount of those in power on the left believe that the ends often justify the means no matter how unethical or immoral the means may be.

This last year Veritas’ reportage has probably been the best yet. In addition, he’s sued both Twitter and the New York Times, the official paper of dis-record of all the lizard people. Both cases have merit.

The events of the last week have been a little concerning, arguably terrifying. And any intellectually honest journalist, of which there are few, should be terrified. Friendly reminder, the other team wins elections, too. And what the FBI has done to Veritas can happen to you.

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, the videos below will take you on the journey to see just how out of control the FBI is.

If we live in a country where the regime can get away with this, then it’s undeniably time to start seriously thinking about how we politically dissolve the union between red and blue states.

For some that have followed my blog for years, you know there was a period of time where I taught public school. And avid readers would know that I’m also a huge fan of the work that James O’Keefe does through Project Veritas (so much so, that I’m actually a monthly donor).

I’m encouraged at how many on the political right are starting to wake up to the fact that they do really need to be involved in their child’s education. Veritas released one of my favorite undercover investigations of all time this past week.

Having been on the inside of public education, especially in this part of the country, not all teachers are radicals. Admittedly, I never saw a teacher in all my years that was this bad. Although, I did once walk by a Spanish classroom at Staley High School that had a poster of the murderous commie Che Guevara on the wall. Guess they were there to learn Spanish?

Ladies and gentleman, this is how you deal with the radicals. You get them on film. You get them to tell you exactly what they’re up to. And then you ruin their lives.

Well done.

Meet Gabriel Gripe, public AP teacher, communist revolutionary.

Ole’ Gabe doesn’t like to be questioned. Neither does the school district.

Gabe is sad he’s been had. Look above his head. I can’t tell for sure, but I think that’s some sort of communist imagery framed on his red wall. Someone call Xi in China, this guy might fit in well.
That all escalated quickly. Poor Gabe, former AP teacher.
Parents were pissed, rightfully so. Love seeing minority parents speak up about this crap.
More pissed parents. Oops… Parents don’t like commie teacher.

People waking up is a beautiful thing… Important to remember that the radical left (i.e. communists, progressives, Theorists) only make up about 30% of the population, these people are easily stopped.

Join the revolution, the revolution that puts truth above collectivism….