Missouri Senator Chuck Purgason files for US Senate Race

Posted: February 23, 2010 in 2010 Elections, Missouri, Missouri United States Senate
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Conservatives, Republicans, and Independents you do NOT have to vote for Congressman Roy Blunt. There IS an option. We have what is called a primary, and though Congressman Blunt thinks he owns this race, we can prove him wrong. Below is the press release from Senator Chuck Purgason announcing his candidacy. ClayCoMOPolitics is a supporter of Senator Purgason’s and encourages you to be as well.

For immediate release [February 23, 2010]
Contact: Senator Chuck Purgason

Today I filed to enter the race to seek the Republican nomination for the United States Senate from Missouri.

For the past nine months, I have traveled this great state and have found that the concerns I have for our country are shared with thousands and thousands of hard-working, everyday Missourians. Most people are simply looking for leadership and someone to tell them the truth.

The debt that has been rung up by both the Republican and Democrat parties while in office is massive and real. With every person in American owing over $170,000.00 on the national debt and the unfunded debt of our nation reaching over $65,000,000,000,000.00 (trillion), the issue of this debt can no longer be ignored. The Blunt and Carnahan families, while in office have both contributed to the debt.

This race is shaping up to be another political slugfest between two political powerhouses that will continue to pound each other while our deficit continues to grow and our nation’s economy continues to slide. While the ads from the Carnahan camp will bring up TARP votes, failed leadership, Delay/Abramoff scandals, Cash for Clunkers, and family members as lobbyists and as the Blunt campaign continues to hammer Pelosi, Reid, Carnahan and Obama, I hope to be talking about what real Americans are interested in —things like jobs and whether we will be able to find one or keep the one we have. Things like education and will we be able to send our kids to college and make our house payment. I want to talk about balancing our nation’s budget.

Will the same old policies and leadership of the past continue to add more and more to the enormous debt that our children and grandchildren will have to pay? As a Republican, I hope to return our party and its elected officials to its the base — the things our party has always stood for: balanced budgets and a return to fiscal responsibility.

I believe I offer a clear choice in this election. Do we continue to elect our Congress based on the amount of money raised, who has the slickest commercials, and who pounds the other into submission or do we elect some one not beholden to special interests and Washington’s money and influence. It is time we elect someone who talks about the real issues that are on the minds and hearts of everyone who loves and cares about the direction that this county is heading.

I look forward to speaking to groups all across Missouri on these issues as this campaign moves forward. You may learn more about my campaign at www.keepyourchange2010.org or you may contact me at 417-257-4456.

* * * * * E N D R E L E A S E * * * * *

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